While many businesses cover machinery against fire and perils, items of plant and machinery also require regular inspection to ensure that it complies with the appropriate legislation but it can be a bit of a minefield to navigate. Managing Health and Safety doesn’t have to be complicated, costly or time-consuming.
In fact, it’s easier than you think. For many businesses, all that’s required is to complete some basic practical tasks to ensure that people are protected from harm but you should also ensure you comply with legislation for the various items of plant and machinery:
“Work Equipment”
Means any machinery, appliance, apparatus, tool or installation for use at work.
“Lifting Equipment”
Means work equipment for lifting or lowering of loads, and includes anything used for anchoring, fixing, or supporting such equipment.
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Employers have a duty to take all reasonable precautions against hazards they are (or) should be aware of. Employees have a right to expect that they will not be harmed by the work that they do – if they are, they have a legal right to compensation.
Suitable and satisfactory maintenance, training and inspection regimes will support the safe use of any work and lifting equipment. The periodic inspection and thorough examination of garage equipment is not only an absolute legal requirement but essential in a workplace which involves people working around machinery, confined areas of working and the potential interaction of the general public.
Not only will putting a formal Inspection Contract in place satisfy Health & Safety Executive Regulations and Requirements but Engineering policies covering machinery and plant in its various forms are designed to dovetail with your existing Material Damage and Liability policies.
Please give us a ring if you wish to discuss your obligations in general or where an Engineering policy may be of benefit you in particular.