Our security & electrical insurance policies cover you for the work that you do, so you can carry on with peace of mind.
You don’t need to search and compare multiple policies - we’ll build you a plan that provides you with the right legal cover. We are more than familiar with what your policy needs to include. We know that efficacy insurance, is a requirement of both the NSI and SSAIB membership. That’s why it is included as standard with both our security and electrical policies.
We can provide Limits of Indemnity up to:
- Employers Liability - any one event £10,000,000
- Public Liability - any one occurrence, or series of occurrences arising from one event and unlimited in the aggregate in the Period of Insurance £5,000,000
- Products Liability - any one occurrence and in all in the Period of Insurance £5,000,000
- Professional Advice - any one occurrence, or series of occurrences arising from one event and unlimited in the aggregate in the Period of Insurance £5,000,000
- Efficacy - Failure to Operate: any one occurrence, or series of occurrences arising from one event and unlimited in the aggregate in the Period of Insurance £5,000,000
- Loss of Customer Keys - Loss of Customer Keys Including Consequential Loss - any one occurrence and in all in the Period of Insurance £75,000
- Fidelity / Dishonesty - any one claim and in the aggregate in the Period of Insurance but limited to £25,000 any one employee and £5,000 in respect of telephone or computer misuse £150,000
- Defective Workmanship - any one claim and in the aggregate in the Period of Insurance £150,000
- Professional Indemnity - in any one Period of Insurance £500,000
- Financial Loss - any one occurrence and in all in the Period of Insurance £500,000
- Legal Expenses - any one event £100,000 All claims and legal proceedings notified during any Period of Insurance £1,000,00
Looking for a quote. Drop us an email using the form below and we will be in touch.

Optional Extras
Some of our clients choose to add to their security insurance policy, to provide extra peace of mind.
These include cover for:
Tools of trade (including overnight cover)
Commercial buildings & contents
Personal accident and/or illness
Please contact us if you wish to discuss this cover further.
These include cover for:
Tools of trade (including overnight cover)
Commercial buildings & contents
Personal accident and/or illness
Please contact us if you wish to discuss this cover further.